Course Title: Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Course no: MTH-104 Full Marks: 80+20
Credit hours: 3 Pass Mark: 32+8
Nature of Course: Theory
Course Synopsis: Preliminaries revision of differentiation and integration; Techniques of integration infinite series; Vectors and analytical geometry in space (differential geometry). Vector valued functions. Multivariable functions and partial derivatives. Multiple integrals and integration in vector fields. Partial derivatives; Equations of First Partial Derivatives.
Goal: This course aims at providing students with some advanced topics in undergraduate calculus and fundamental concepts of partial differentiation and P.D.E of second order. It is assured that a student who has done Certificate Level papers in mathematics will be able to study this course.
Course Contents:
Unit 1. Topics in Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus 8 Hrs.
- Functions and Graphs
- Extreme values of functions; graphing of derivatives
- Mean value integers
- Definite integers, Properties and application, Mean value theory for definite integers
- Fundamental theory of Integral Calculus and application, Improper integrals
Unit 2. Infinite Series 5 Hrs.
- Infinite sequence and sequence of convergence and divergence
- Integral test, comparison test, ratio and root test
- Absolute and conditional convergence
- Power series, Taylor and Maclaurin series, convergence of Taylor series
Unit 3. Conic Section 3 Hrs.
- Classifying conic sections by eccentricity
- Plane curves, parametric and polar equations, integration in polar coordinates
Unit 4. Vectors and Vectors Valued Functions 6 Hrs.
- Vectors in the space
- Lines and planes in space
- Cylinders and Quadric surfaces
- Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
- Vector valued functions and space curves
- Unit tangent vector, curvature and torsion and TNB system
Unit 5. Multiple Integrals 5 Hrs.
- Double integrals in rectangular polar coordinates
- Finding areas, moments and centre of mass
- Triple integrals in rectangular coordinates and application
- Substitutes in multiple integrals
Unit 6. Multivariate Calculus 9 Hrs.
- Functions, limits and continuity of two or more variables
- Partial derivatives
- Differentiability, Differentials, Total Differential Coefficients
- Directional derivatives and gradient vectors
- Extreme values
- Lagrange Multiplies
Unit 7. Partial Differential Equations 9 Hrs.
- Review of Ordinary Differential Equations
- Analysis of P.D.E of 1st and 2nd order
- Linear equations of the 1st order and the general solutions
- P.D.E of 2nd order, its derivation and basic concepts
- Solution of general P.D.E with constant coefficients, complimentary solution and integral solution
- Wave equations and heat equations and their solutions (Chapter II, Section 11.1, 11.2, 11.4, 11.5). Erwin and Kreyszig. 8th edition, John-Wiley Publications.
Text Books
Thomas and Fenns: Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 9th Edition, 2004. (Thomas, Jr. G. B., and Finney, Ross L. Publisher: Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.
Kreyszig, Erwin, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John- Wiley & Sons (1991). 5th Edition.
E.W. Swokowski, Calculus with Analytical Geometry, Second Alter Edition.
Sneddan Ian- Elements of Partial Differential Equations.
All Credit goes to
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