Differences between Hard and Soft Real Time System
Hard Real Time System Soft Real Time System
Timing constraint is hard if failure to meet it is considered a fatal error. Timing constraint is soft.
Timing constraint is hard if failure to meet the usefulness of ther result falls off (or may even go negative). The usefulness of the result is never negative.
User can obtain the validation. Not always obtain the validation.
Completion of task or job is deterministic. Completion of task or job is probabilistic.
Hard-required response time. Soft-required response time.
Predictable peak load performance. Degraded peak load performance.
Controlled by environment. Controlled by computer.
Autonomous error detection. User assisted error detection.
E.g-Flight control, railway signaling, robot, anti missile system, inkjet printer etc. E.g-Dvd player, mobile phone, on-line transaction systems, telephone switches, electronic games, multimedia system, web browsing etc.

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