Course Title: Physics I
Course no: PHY-105 Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3 Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis: The course deals with related topics in Mechanics and electrodynamics.
Mechanics: Non Relativistic Particle dynamics, conservation laws,harmonic Oscillator, dynamics of rigid body, strength of materials, hydrodynamics.
Electrodynamics: Electrostatics, dielectrics, Electrostatic and magnetic energy,Maxwell's equation, propagation of electromagnetic wave. Laboratory works aredesigned to complement and supplement the theory course.
Goal: The course aims at introducing the concepts and methods of physics needed for application in various branch of modern science and technology.
Course Contents:
Unit 1. Newton's Law of Motion and Galilean Invariance 2 Hrs.
- Newton's laws of motion
- Reference frame, Galilean transformation, Galilean Invariance
- Transformation equations
- Non inertial frames of reference fictious forces
- Centrifugal and coriolis forces
Unit 2. Non Relativistic Particle Dynamics 4 Hrs.
- Equation of motion of uncharged and charged particles, Charged particles in constant and alternating electric field
- Charged particles in a fields, magnetic field- cyclotron, magnetic focusing
- Charge particles in combined electric and magnetic field
Unit 3. Conservation Laws 7 Hrs.
- Laws of conservation of momentum and energy.
- Conservative forces, potential energy
- Potential energy in electric and gravitational fields.
- Non conservative forces, General laws of conservation of energy.
- Collision in three dimensions, lab and cm. frames of reference, final velocities after collision, scattering angle
- Law of conservation of angular momentum - rotational invariance of potential energy
- Example - motion of a planet, Kepler's laws
Unit 4. Harmonic oscillator 6 Hrs.
- Harmonic oscillator, energy, example: diatomic molecule
- An harmonic oscillator - pendulum with large oscillation
- Damped oscillations, power factor, Q – factor
- Driven oscillations, resonance, phase and half width
- LCR and parallel resonance circuits
Unit 5. Viscosity 2 Hrs.
- Viscosity, Newton’s law of viscous force, analogy between current flow and viscous flow
- Motion of a body in a viscous medium
Unit 6. Electrostatics 7 Hrs.
- Electric field and electric potential
- Divergence of E and Gauss's law, applications
- Solution of electrostatic problems, Poisson's and Lap lace's equations
- Solution of Lap laces equations in spherical cylindrical coordinates and rectangular coordinates
- Examples conducting sphere in a uniform E field, method of images, point charge and a conducting sphere, line charde and line images, systems of conductors.
- Solutions of Poisson’s equation
Unit 7. Dielectrics 4 Hrs.
- Electric field in a dielectric media
- Polarization, field inside and outside a dielectric gauss's law in a dielectric medium-displacement vector, electric susceptibility and dielectric constant
- Boundary conditions on field vectors, boundary value problems in a dielectric medium, dielectric sphere in a uniform el. Field - Molecular theory of dielectrics, induced dipoles
Unit 8. Electrostatic Energy 1 Hr.
- Potential energy of a group of charges and charge distributions, energy density.
- Energy of a system of charged conductors
Unit 9. Magnetic Field Energy 1 Hr.
- Vector, potential, and magnetic field
- Energy density in the magnetic field, magnetic energy of coupled circuits.
Unit 10. Slowly Varying Current 3 Hrs.
- Transient and steady state behavior
- Series and parallel connection of impedances
- Power, power factor, Resonance
Unit 11. Maxwell’s Equation 6 Hrs.
- Maxwell's equations - displacement current
- Electromagnetic energy
- Wave equations without and with source, boundary conditions
Laboratory works:
- To draw I-V characteristics of Ohmic and non Ohmic resisters and find voltage current ration.
- To study the junction diode and LED characteristics.
- To study the temperature dependence of resistance of a given semiconductors
- To determine the moment of inertia of a fly wheel
- To determine the modulus of rigidity for the material of a rod by using the horizontal pattern of the twisting apparatus.
- To determine the terminal velocity and find coefficient of viscosity by Stoke's method.
- To determine the surface tension of work with a capillary tube.
- To determine the impedance of a given LCR circuit
- To study characteristics of NPN transistor
- To determine dielectric constant by using Lissagous pattern
- To construct CE amplifier for the determination of the voltage gain of the amplifier
- To study the characteristic of a Zener a diode (Switches) and use it to regulate power supply
- To construct and study the working of NOT-AND-OR, NAND and NOR gates.
- To construct and study the working of OR, NAN and NOR gates.
Text Books:
- D.S. Mathur, Mechanics, S. Chand and Company Ltd
- John R. Ritz, Frederick J. Milford and Robert W. Christy, Foundations of Electromagnetic theory, Narosa Publishing House.
David J Griffith, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of
India, 1994
Calculus based introductory physics
Home work assignments: Several numerical problems to be given every week
All Credit goes to
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