Course Title: Statistics I
Course no: STAT-108 Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3 Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis: Concept of Applied Statistical Technique and its applications.
Goal: This course makes student able to understand Applied Statistical Techniques and their applications in the allied areas.
Course Contents:
Unit 1. Sampling Technique 10 Hrs.
Types of Sampling; Simple Random Sampling with and without Replacement; Stratified Random Sampling; Ratio and Regression Method of Estimation under Simple and Stratified Random Sampling; Systematic Sampling; Multistage Sampling; Estimation of population total and its Variance.
Unit 2. Non Parametric Test 16 Hrs.
Chi-square test: Test of goodness of fit; Test for independence (Categorical Data). Definition of Order Statistics; Run Test; Sign Test; Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Ranks Test; Mann-Whitney U Test; Median Test; Kolmogorov Smirnov Test (One Sample Case); Cochran Q Test; Kruskl Wallis One way ANOVA Test; Friedman Two way ANOVA Test.
Unit 3. Correlation and Regression Analysis 19 Hrs.
Partial and Multiple Correlations; Multiple Linear Regressions: Assumptions; Coefficient Estimation, and Significance Test; Coefficient of Determination; Cobb-Dauglas Production Function; Growth Model; Logistic Regression; Autoregressive Model of order One, and Appraisal of Linear Models (Heteroscedasticity, Multicolinearity, Autocorrelation).
- Theory and practice should go side by side.
- It is recommended 45 hours for lectures and 15 additional hours for tutorial class for completion of the course in the semester
- SPSS Software should be used for data analysis.
- Home works and assignments covering the lecture materials will be given throughout the semester.
Text Books:
- Draper, N. and H. Smith, Applied Regression Analysis, 2nd edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981.
- Hogg & Tanis, Probability & Statistical Inference, 6th edition, First Indian Reprint, 2002.
- Gujaratii, D. Basic Econometrics, International edition, 1995
- Gibbons, J.D. Nonparametric Statistical Inference. International Student Edition.
- Siegel, S. Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. McGraw-Hill, New York
Hollander, M. & Wolfe, Nonparametric Statistical Methods. Johns Wiley & Sons, New York
All Credit goes to
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